Prostate massage
Prostate massage
It’s no secret that the erogenous zones of men go far beyond the inguinal zone, but still the representatives of the stronger sex get maximum pleasure and a real orgasm from massage effects on the genitals.
Men’s G Point
Girls often ignore the center of male bliss and unforgettable sensations, in the existence of which many do not believe. But the fact of the presence of a secret point is proved not only by scientific research, but also by the experience of men. To find the innermost place in the sexual system of the representative of the stronger sex, it is enough to massage the prostate.
Due to the anatomical features of the male body, only skilled craftswomen will be able to find the cherished zone. The prostate gland has the shape and size of a bulk pea. It is located directly under the bladder and surrounds the upper part of the urethra. Outside, the prostate lies in the area between the anus and testicles.
Prostate massage: new sensations and benefits
Massage effects on the prostate gland are finger manipulations directly on the prostate, which provide normalization of the outflow of the secret and are accompanied by sexual arousal. Such a medical procedure is often prescribed by andrologists and urologists as a therapeutic method, the main advantages of which are:
– Restoration of the blood supply to the genitals;
– Prevention of stagnation;
– Increased muscle tone in the pelvic area;
– Release of prostate secretion.
Attending an erotic massage Kiev of the prostate gland does not have to be accompanied by serious medical indications. Men prefer such pastime in order to obtain physical pleasure, moral satisfaction, and also as a way to discover new possibilities of their sexual nature.
Basic techniques of prostate erotic massage
Erotic prostate massage should be performed by an experienced and educated master who loves his work and treats each client with respect. The specialist can have a direct or external effect on the prostate, if there are notes of embarrassment. But if every man knew what a bright orgasm awaits him as a result of simple manipulation, then any doubts would be nullified. Technological features of the procedure of erotic massage of the prostate gland are as follows:
A relaxing full body massage with emphasis on the buttocks and inner thighs;
Preparing the master directly for prostate massage: application of lubricants, the gradual insertion of a finger into the anus;
Massaging the prostate gland, which causes an erection and orgasm.
To guarantee to bring a man to ecstasy, it is necessary to choose the right position. The most optimal position is “on the side,” at which the master has maximum access to point G. The massaging movements should be circular, gentle, and also accompanied by light pressure.